ZePra Gradation ModuleZePrA Gradation Module Optional ZePrA Gradation Module The Create Gradation Curves window is used to generate curves that you can apply to your files at the end of the conversion process, e.g. for fine-tuning to a specific printing process. Gradation Gradations are curves that you can apply to the individual channels of your data at the end of the conversion operation. The procedure is similar to that for controlling the tone value increase (TVI) curves when exposing printing plates. With the help of Gradation Module, you can apply tone value corrections both to CMYK channels and to spot-color channels. Gradation Module can be activated either after or instead of color conversion. The application of Gradation curves completes the process of preparing data for printing. Shortly before going to press, almost every printing process calls for a tone value correction that is stored in the RIP of the platesetter. This TVI correction primarily serves to ensure compliance with printing standards and to compensate for imponderables in the printing process, these being brought about by a host of printing parameters, not least also by the substrate and the ink. These TVI corrections can now be directly included in the data to be converted. When subsequently setting the data, all that isn ecessary is linear implementation in the RIP software of the imagesetter. Under Curve Management, you can create new curves using the New button, and duplicate or delete existing ones. A new curve can be edited under Curve Design, either by clicking on the shown curve and moving it with the cursor, or by entering values. If you wish to enter percentage values in the Input and Output fields make sure to first set an anchor point in the curve. The entred values are based on this anchor point. You can add as many anchor points as you like. |